Ezra Arthur + Max Sprecher Signature Straight Razor
This signature razor for several lifetimes
미국 유명 커스텀 일자 면도기 장인 기업인 Max Sprecher와 협업을 통해 탄생한 masterpiece straight razor로 수세대를 거쳐 사용이 가능한 full-sized 8/8″ 1/4 hollow ground blade는 Rockwell 63 강도를 가진 01 carbon steel로 제작되어 날까롭게 오래 지속되는 면도날을 유지한다. 일자 면도기의 손잡이 (scales)은 ultra high density carbon fiber uni plate로 제작되어 시간이 지남에 따라 휘어지지 않으며 카본 파이버에서는 흔하지 않은 uni plate는 나무결을 연상시키는 광택이 나는 외형을 가진다. 면도기의 쐐기 (wedge)는 faux Ivory recon stone로 마감이 되어 면도기를 완성한다.
면도기 무게는 75 gram이며 carbon fiber 손잡이는 full-sized blade와 적당한 무게균형을 가져 무게감이 느껴지면서도 다양한 면도 그립을 잡는데 편안하다. 면도기의 가죽 슬리브는 Horween® Chromexcel® leather이 사용되었으며 Jet Top Stitch style로 제작되어 면도기의 solid brass pins과 함께 전체적인 완성도를 높여준다.
원산지: Precision Machined and Handcrafted in the USA
Ezra Arthur + Max Sprecher Signature Straight Razor
This signature razor for several lifetimes
Designed and crafted in collaboration with renowned artisan of custom straight razors, Max Sprecher. We have created this masterpiece straight razor to be a special heirloom for your consideration.
This signature razor features a full-sized 8/8″ 1/4 hollow ground blade intended to last several lifetimes. The blade is forged from 01 carbon steel which has a Rockwell hardness of 63. This gives the blade a hardness that is favorable for honing a sharp and long-lasting cutting edge. The scales (handle) of the razor are constructed of ultra high density carbon fiber uni plate. They will never rot or warp over time. Uni plate is an uncommon form of carbon fiber and has a lustrous appearance reminiscent of wood grain. To compliment this design, the wedge of the razor is made out of a banded faux Ivory recon stone.
The razor has a mass of 75 grams and the density of the carbon fiber scales provides a suitable counter-balance to the full-sized blade. While quite hefty, the razor is well balanced and comfortable to hold in various shaving grips. Included with the razor is a sleeve made with Horween® Chromexcel® leather. The sleeve is made in our Jet Top Stitch style to compliment the contrasting solid brass pins on the razor.
Precision machined and Handcrafted in the USA
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[예매] Ezra Arthur + Max Sprecher Signature Straight Razor