The Goodfellas's smile의 첫번째 조절형 면도기인 Blazer safety razor는 brass와 zamak이라는 금속에 빛나는 크롬 도금으로 정밀하고 고품질 마감처리가 된 면도기이다. Blazer razor는 6단계 조절이 가능하며 면도기 핸들 상단에 위치한 조절링을 돌려 손쉽고 직관적으로 조절할 수 있다. 빨간 점 마크가 조절 레벨의 위치를 표시해준다.
면도날 장착 방법
면도기 절삭 레벨 조정
조절형 면도기는 어떠한 레벨에서도 완벽하게 수염을 제거하도록 되어 있으며 면도하는 도중에 얼굴면에서 면도날의 효과적인 면도정도를 조절할 수 있는 면도기이다. 길고 거친 수염의 경우 높은 레벨의 세팅이 요구디고 낮은 레벨의 경우 매일 마일드한 면도를 하는 분들에게 적합하다.
누구에게 Blazer adjustable safety razor를 추천하는가?
Blazer adjustable safety razor는 자주 용모를 바꾸시는 분들을 위해 추천한다. 즉, 면도를 하고 싶을 때만 면도를 하는 분들에게 이상적이다. 면도하고서 1일 2일 심지어 2~3주후가 지나더라도 Blazer adjustable safety razor는 당신의 수염상태에 맞춰 적합한 절삭력을 손쉽게 조절하여 면도할 수 있다.
Accurate and with quality finishes, the Blazer safety razor is the first adjustable razor (adjustable razor) from The Goodfellas’ smile razor stable. Made from brass and zamak, coated with a shiny chrome finish, the Blazer razor has 6 levels of adjustment (1 Gentler cut | 6 More effective cut).The levels are easily and intuitively adjusted through a rotating ring located at the top of the handle. The red dot will always indicate the level at which the safety razor has been set.
How to insert the blade into the Blazer safety razor
1- Turn the knob at the base of the handle anti-clockwise until it is completely unscrewed (even when unscrewed, the knob will remain hanging in the handle of the razor)2- Lift the cap of the razor and remove it.3- Insert the shaving blade4- Close the razor and screw the knob back into the base by turning it clockwise.
Defining the cutting adjustment
Adjustable safety razors (also known as Adjustable) shave the beard completely at any level, the settings are not designed to adjust the length of the hair (which will always be completely removed) but to manage the effectiveness of the shaving blade on the face during shaving.A longer beard will require a higher level setting to effectively cut the hair, just as a lower level should be set by those who prefer to shave daily.
Who is the Blazer adjustable safety razor recommended for?
The Blazer adjustable safety razor is recommended for those who often change their look and is therefore ideal for those who only shave when they feel like it. Whether it’s after one or two days or after 2 or 3 weeks, the Blazer adjustable safety razor will adapt to you; you just need to rotate the ring on the handle and thus define the right cutting depth for the occasion.
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[예매] Blazer Adjustable Double Edge Razor - Brass & Zamak